IFS for Food & Beverage

Do you have the solutions in place to help your business stay competitive?

IFS Cloud gives you a 360-degree view of your supply chain and manufacturing processes. Offering you the broad scope, deep functionality and configuration you desire to meet your challenges. With features made to fit your industries needs, you’re ready to tackle the future head on. Features include: advanced demand planning and forecasting, forward and backward traceability with shelf-life and expiry control, trade management, integrated HACCP and quality control.


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IFS Cloud brought to you by Cedar Bay

IFS Cloud can assist with waste reduction and inventory management, ensuring your operations are having as little impact on the world around you as possible, whilst still providing you customer base with the products they desire. Whilst also giving you a clear picture of what’s happening throughout your business, giving you the transparency and traceability you need to succeed.


Learn more about IFS Cloud here

How are you dealing with sustainability and traceability?


Whilst sustainability isn’t exactly a recent trend, it’s one that’s going to stick with us for a long time. With regulations impacting businesses, as well as customers becoming more conscious of the impacts of their purchases, caring about sustainability matters. Whether it’s reduced packaging and plastic, organic or sustainably sourced ingredients, or recyclable items, customers are making more ethically led decisions. Which in turn increases the demand for traceability and transparency. People are looking beyond the product on the shelf, they want to know if they can trust manufacturers and distributors.

Cedar Bay Food And Beverage (1)

A Sustainable Future in Food: Jones Food Company

Jones Food Company have a vision for the future. They’re taking a farming approach that doesn’t require vast spaces of land and acres of rolling hills. Welcome to the future of farming, where fresh produce is grown inside, all year round.


Click here to read our blog

What are you doing to combat increasing costs?


We know that you’re facing pressures from all angles, a shortage of labour, increasing cost of production, increased packaging costs and the impacts of having to pass these price increases on to the customer. With IFS Cloud you are able to better support your ability to be able to make strategic decisions, based on real-time, accurate information. The solution enables you to take control of your inventory, with increased visibility and increased automation throughout operations. Take control and face your challenges head on with IFS Cloud.


Let’s talk about how we could partner for success!

Speak to our team of experts today! Fill in our contact form and we’ll be in touch to see how we could work together to achieve more.


Speak to us here



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