
Arcwide acquires Cedar Bay’s IFS division.


We are thrilled to announce the acquisition of Cedar Bay’s IFS operations in the UK and USA by Arcwide, the joint venture of BearingPoint and IFS dedicated to the deployment of IFS Cloud services.


All Cedar Bay’s IFS business in the U.K. and the U.S. will be provided by Arcwide moving foorwards.


To discover how Arcwide can help you accelerate your journey to success, get in touch.


Rest assured, this move enhances our commitment to providing exceptional customer service and the ethos between the two combined businesses will be one of customer focus and employee excellence.

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Here at Cedar Bay, we know you need to be proactive and available to respond to changes as and when they occur. To ensure for success all ERP projects require on-going support to help maximise the value of your investment. To be able to react to changes your teams need to have the bandwidth to respond. Using your internal resources to provide support for your solution can divert these key resources away from making improvements to your business processes. To free these resources, our support team can help manage all levels of  IFS support, freeing up your vital internal resources and filling any knowledge gaps.

How can a support partner help your business?

We have created a multi-level support service designed to cover all customer support needs.  Any support agreements with Cedar Bay can be tailored to suit your needs.  We understand that all customers are unique so our support agreements are designed to allow you to select the elements that you require and that best suit your business.

a group of people sitting around a table

IFS Support Services to help you succeed

Our Support Service can support your entire IT infrastructure, providing timely responses to issues facing your business. The support facility is constructed so that you can configure the offering to suit your needs, allowing you to select the elements that you require. You have the flexibility over the creation of your support package to make sure it suits your business goals and it can consist of any of the elements of the landscape below:


Support Table Smaller Version



«Cedar Bay nos ha proporcionado una «ventanilla única» para mover nuestros requisitos de TI e IFS de una estructura de TI centralizada a una descentralizada después de la adquisición. Combinan la experiencia en TI con la personalidad, proporcionando soluciones y servicios a un negocio en crecimiento donde la comprensión de los requisitos y presiones del cliente es crucial».

Debbie Burrows, Directora Financiera - CeramTec


Para obtener más información sobre nuestros servicios, descargue el material publicitario a continuación o visite el Centro de información.

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